Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

The Digital HIE team has rich experience in understanding your business needs and guiding you in the right direction regarding your Information Technology needs. It’s the minds who bring your product and services to life. Our team can bring the experience using reliable IT Tools and support to make your business successful. Digital HIE has been on a mission to change the face of IT by being a true, trusted partner for growing businesses. We do this by providing a blend of on-site, offshore, and remote-managed IT Services that put all of your IT needs under one umbrella. We protect you from IT challenges on a daily basis.

What is a Software Development Company’s Process?

While creating custom software tools and applications is as complex as you might guess, the process of creating those tools is actually straightforward. While each software development team will put its own unique spin on things, it’ll take customers through a process that is similar to the following.

Identify the Problem or Need

 A good company will take the time to really understand your problem, your budget, your goals, and your desired outcome. Ideally, both parties will understand exactly what success looks like to be sure this partnership is a win for everyone.

During this time, your software development team should also get a feel for what kind of software will best meet your needs. For example, will you be best served by an app, an intranet, or a website (like Hubspot or SalesForce)?

Create and Develop

After working closely with you to get this project off the ground, the software development company you’re working with will begin developing your custom software. They’ll start with a visual wireframe that helps you “see” what your product will look like, and then they will begin building it out with code. In the same way that no one wants to live in a house built in a day, you don’t want to pay for the rushed custom software during this process. Make sure you know what to expect in terms of communication so you can stay up to date on progress and so you know when you will have the chance to request any edits.

Test and Troubleshoot

Once your software has been built, it needs to be tested and used. The team’s product owner will use the software just like your ideal customer would, and will note any issues that might arise: glitches, slow loading speeds, random shutdowns, etc. Before your tool ever goes live, your software development team will test everything to be sure it works and accomplishes your goals.


Once your product is finished, the software team will help you distribute it in the appropriate channels, such as the App Store or through email or social campaigns.