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The Digital HIE team has rich experience in understanding your business needs and guiding you in the right direction regarding your Information Technology needs. It’s the minds who bring your product and services to life. Our team can get the experience using reliable IT Tools and support to make your business successful. Digital HIE has been on a mission to change the face of IT by being a trustworthy, trusted partner for growing companies. We do this by providing a blend of on-site, offshore, and remote-managed IT Services that put all your IT needs under one umbrella. We protect you from IT challenges daily.

Healthcare software development might not be the talk of the tech town, but this multi-billion-dollar sector has been growing for a while and doesn’t appear to be slowing down in anytime soon.

1. Electronic Health Records Software

This well-known and highly useful medical software is comparable to a healthcare CRM created for the healthcare sector as it efficiently stores and manages the whole medical history of patients, including the medications they have taken. their previous and current treatments, diagnosis results, the tests they had, and so on. By eliminating the need for manual work and patient data management, the primary objective of EHR software is to reduce the workload of hospitals and other healthcare facilities.

2. Telemedicine Software

Without any doubt, telemedicine is the fastest-growing area in the IT healthcare industry. By 2027, the global telehealth market is projected to reach a value of USD $285.7 billion.

Although there was a need for online consulting before the pandemic, it’s a must now. The rise of telehealth software is a perfect solution for rural residents or those with disabilities, becoming essential for everyone in a time of minimum interaction or closed hospitals.

3. Hospital Management Software

When it comes to hospital management software, it’s all about optimizing day-to-day operations in a hospital or clinic, including generating invoices to scheduling visits. you can integrate this type of system with electronic health records software to keep track of patient information, insurance details, processing payments, and so on. Its primary aim is to completely automate all administrative tasks. However, hospital management software not only streamlines processes or increases operational efficiency, but it enhances the patient experience throughout the medical journey as well.

4. Health Tracking Apps

This kind of software is undoubtedly the most diverse category of healthcare software solutions because it can include applications for monitoring vitals and diets, tracking physical activity and movements, and the most recent type – mental health and wellness apps. Although these apps are not strictly “healthcare software products”, we can nonetheless count them as an extra source of patient-generated health data. The most common examples of health tracking apps are wearables where the software is integrated with the device; for example, Apple Watch and Fitbit that keep track of your movement, heart rate, sleep time, etc.

5. e-Prescribing Software

Getting a handwritten prescription for medication is another reason patients must visit clinics. e prescribing software turned it upside down by making this service completely online. Electronic prescription is the procedure through which medical professionals store prescription data in a cloud-based system to instantly send prescriptions to pharmacies. While a patient is there, healthcare providers can select and place an order for a prescription with only a few clicks. they can also shortlist widely-used prescriptions and rapidly access their go-to drugs.