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411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23


The Digital HIE team has rich experience in understanding your business needs and guiding you in the right direction regarding your Information Technology needs. It’s the minds who bring your product and services to life. Our team can get the experience using reliable IT Tools and support to make your business successful. Digital HIE has been on a mission to change the face of IT by being a trustworthy, trusted partner for growing companies. We do this by providing a blend of on-site, offshore, and remote-managed IT Services that put all your IT needs under one umbrella. We protect you from IT challenges daily.

Database software is used for the management and storage of data and databases. The organization of databases is exceedingly important when comprising a database of criminals, evaluating medical and school information, and storing government and driver information.

Database software is typically easy to use so that end users can evaluate data, store it, add to it, and edit it or delete it. The capture and analysis of data is typically performed by database management systems, otherwise known as DBMSs. These types of database software systems are programmed in SQL, and examples include Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle SAP HANA, and FoxPro.

Not all database software requires a person to be knowledgeable in SQL or needs programming queries. Web-based database programs such as Microsoft Access are available and can be much easier for a novice to use. The user can navigate the database via the program’s GUI controls, without using SQL.

DBMS types of software have four main categories: definition of data, update, retrieval and administration. A DBMS system is also required to protect the integrity of data and provide its security. The precursor to database software was revolutionized by Edgar F. Codd in 1970, with his relational model.

Digital Hie Hospital Information System Features

  • Specialty-based modules    like    Paediatric,    Orthopaedic,    Gynaecology/OBG,    and Cardiothoracic clinical software modules.
  • Custom user roles
  • Classified case sheets and dashboard
  • Flexible payment methods

Hospital Mangement Software

IPD Management

A complete Journey of the patient, right from the admission to payment and discharge. It also enables patient registration and Bed management.

OPD Management

Basically termed as Outpatient Department, it is a complete hospital information system that focuses on Outpatients registration, treatments, billing, and reporting with details of patient information.

TPA Module

When it comes to insurance claims, the HIS helps to make the process faster and easier. It makes use of unique billing codes for different procedures to ensure the process is moving in the correct way. HIS takes care of every process in insurance claims like insurance auto-detection, insurance templates, and tax calculation as per country, and is more reliable.

Operation Theatre Module

HIS System helps achieve economic efficiency and viability in the OT. The module helps to seek shorter documentation and operation when compared to the typical intervention results.  Digital Hie OT management system helps decrease the administrative and organizational burden on every personnel like doctors, physicians, nurses, etc.

Blood Bank Module

This Blood bank module is basically used for receiving requisitions for blood and issuing blood and blood products. It will also help to monitor the blood collection and blood transfusion process and also records the complete process. This module will also help you in maintaining the stock and managing the storage of blood and blood items.

Pathology Module

Digital Hie LIMS provides the easiest Pathology Reporting Software for Diagnostic Laboratories, a single module fits all systems with synoptic reporting. The reports can be fully customized as per the need of the laboratory.

Inventory Management

This plays a vital role in the hospital management system. Digital Hie inventory management helps to track all of the medical resources such as equipment, medicines, and patient health data.


A Radiology Information System (RIS) is a networked system of medical imaging and related data management software. A RIS is particularly helpful for monitoring orders and billing data for radiology imaging and is often used in record keeping and Billing.

Pharmaceutical & Billing Module

Our pharmacy billing software deals with providing the retail sales of medical supervision to OPD patients, and customers and also helps with the issue of medicines to the hospital inpatients. Our pharmacy billing software does the following features..