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The Digital HIE team has rich experience in understanding your business needs and guiding you in the right direction regarding your Information Technology needs. It’s the minds who bring your product and services to life. Our team can get the experience using reliable IT Tools and support to make your business successful. Digital HIE has been on a mission to change the face of IT by being a trustworthy, trusted partner for growing companies. We do this by providing a blend of on-site, offshore, and remote-managed IT Services that put all your IT needs under one umbrella. We protect you from IT challenges daily.

The healthcare enterprise software market is slated to top $8.2 billion by 2023, representing close to a quarter of the global healthcare information software industry’s $32 billion. With these impressive numbers, we have to ask ourselves:

what is the purpose of medical software

From transforming health management to drastically reducing the number of errors and mistakes that affect hospitals and practices, medical practice management software offers many rich benefits to users looking to accelerate their digital migration ambitions. Here are some of the most important ones:

Higher patient satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a universal ingredient for success, and with so many alternative healthcare options available, a patient’s experience of your service is paramount. Speed and efficiency are vital in ensuring patient satisfaction; features like instant access to medical annals and treatment histories have become non-negotiable. Tools including automated scheduling and integrated communications channels, along with in-app messaging and reminders, allow for a seamless, speedy process – great ingredients for customer satisfaction.

Better hospital and equipment management

Every year, hospitals are getting bigger and their operations more complex. The global medical equipment market is expected to reach $603.5 billion in 2023, as healthcare machines and equipment evolve to boast more sophisticated technology and pricier parts. To maintain and operate these expensive assets effectively, hospitals and healthcare providers are turning to specialized medical software, created to manage operational expenses, automate inventory stocking, and ensure that vital equipment is well-serviced and taken care of.

Comprehensive patient monitoring

As we’ve come to rely more and more on the Internet of Things (IoT), wearable technology has unlocked the power of digital. Doctors can now monitor their patients remotely, using software that allows them to examine, consult and diagnose without ever leaving their practice.

Fewer mistakes

Healthcare personnel are under enormous pressure. From dealing with the COVID pandemic to endless working hours, they’re more likely to make mistakes somewhere along the way. Aside from handling those arduous, repetitive tasks through automation, healthcare software is notoriously accurate, decreasing or even eliminating the risk of mistakes.

Less paperwork

Nobody wants to complete endless paper forms anymore, and hospital administrators are tired of sifting through mountains of paperwork. Healthcare software allows for these files to be digitized and accessed at the click of a button. Not only is it more convenient to fill out documentation electronically. It’s also easier to find and refer to any given file in the future, with the risk of misplacing any documentation significantly minimized. From doctor scripts to reports and even sick notes, patients and health professionals alike can soon say goodbye to paper.