Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

The Digital HIE team has rich experience in understanding your business needs and guiding you in the right direction regarding your Information Technology needs. It’s the minds who bring your products and services to life. Our team can get the experience using reliable IT Tools and support to make your business successful. Digital HIE has been on a mission to change the face of IT by being a trustworthy, trusted partner for growing companies. We do this by providing a blend of on-site, offshore, and remote-managed IT Services that put all your IT needs under one umbrella. We protect you from IT challenges daily.

Health information system(HIS) mainly refers to a system designed to manage healthcare data. Right from collecting to storing, managing, and transmitting a patient’s electronic medical record (EMR), these systems cover it all! Plus, they also support policy making. All these integrated efforts are made to improve the end results and create a win-win situation for all patients as well as healthcare professionals.

Benefits of Healthcare Information Systems Easy Access

Having a well-implemented health system, the data of the patient is readily available. All it takes

is a matter of a few clicks and one gets to know everything. In case, if the usual treating doctor is absent and some other professional needs to go through the test reports again? Now all they have to do is log in to the HIS and they can have instant access to the patient’s medical history and current scenario.

Enhanced Performance Analysis

Using these health systems enables a wide range of benefits for example not just your patient’s health well-taken care of but even your staff like health care providers, and professionals involved gains points in regards to productivity. Not to mention that all these aspects can be tracked easily. The best part here is patients do have the privilege to submit feedback without being biased. Health systems also turn out a blessing to the environment, with less use of paper. Since everything is computerized and automated, there is the least chance of any manual error taking place.

Reduce Operational Costs

Health systems enable organizations to allocate resources very effectively. With the help of HIS, you can manage your resources in an optimized approach. You will have a good idea about

which resource is available and occupied. In addition to this, these health systems also enable better data management and effective administration of supplies.

Better Patient Care

HIS is enabling you to manage everything in a planner manner which will ultimately give satisfaction to patients. Patients start trusting you and your services and slowly they will become a word of mouth for you. In the healthcare industry, caring for your patients is an ultimate goal and with properly implemented HIS will help you to reach the goal. In the end, it’s not just any business, the healthcare industry is one that is also known for adding value

Improved Patient Safety

Health information systems facilitate the storage and dissemination of medical records, hence enhancing patient security. When there are problems with a patient’s health, you can receive warning alerts as well. By way of illustration, healthcare practitioners may get a warning from the program’s security checking about the potential for adverse consequences from a patient’s unprescribed use of a certain medication. In this approach, you won’t have to worry about making any catastrophic errors owing to insufficient information